
Exclusive Publishers 2023

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462680

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Mike Veny DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION , WELLNESS Mike Veny is a world class keynote speaker and Certified Virtual Presenter who delivers unforgettable presentations to Fortune 500 companies. Mike Veny, Inc. delivers exclusive continuing education experiences, exclusively at OpenSesame, that are dynamically designed to make an impact and consulting to support companies in delivering remarkable Diversity, Inclusion and Wellness results. Lou Adler's Performance-Based Hiring™ HR ADMINISTRATION, PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Lou Adler's Performance-based HiringTM provides a blueprint for sourcing, interviewing, hiring, and retaining top talent. Unlike traditional approaches to hiring, which seek to match a set of skills to a person, Performance-based HiringTM starts by defining the real work involved, not skills or experiences. Using high-quality video instruction, actionable steps, and downloadable job aids, these courses can transform your sourcing, hiring and interviewing process to bring the highest performers to your organization. ORO BUSINESS SKILLS, LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT ORO brings short, story-based lessons from experts across disciplines from business success to leadership to climate change to the issues that impact today's workforce. Our high quality, interview-style, short-form courses teach quick lessons while engaging the learner. Supplemented with downloadable resources to allow offline review and continued study. All courses are provided exclusively through OpenSesame. Management Pocketbooks CULTURAL COMMS, PERFORMANCE, SUSTAINABILITY Speed of learning and transfer of knowledge lie at the heart of the Management Pocketbook courses. They are developed by skilled communicators, management and L&D professionals who know how to make their messages simple, accessible and of real practical value. On This Topic LEADERSHIP, RESILIENCE, TEAM BUILDING, COACHING On This Topic brings stories of leadership, teamwork, motivation, and performance from the world of sports. Story-driven micro-lessons told by athletes and sports professionals embed real-world themes in dramatic tales of teamwork, perseverance, and victory. These high- quality, video-based, interview-style courses are presented in short 3-5 minutes stories and are applicable to leaders, developing-leaders, and anyone interested in life lessons from the high-pressure world of professional athletics. OpenDoors DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, CULTURAL COMPETENCE OpenDoors brings the knowledge and experience of practicing DEI experts to help train for more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces. Course topics include hiring for diversity, identifying and disrupting microaggressions, allyship, discovering your personal "why", and more. OpenMind MINDFULNESS, WELLNESS, STRESS MANAGEMENT OpenMind believes in helping people be more productive, energized, and happy by taking care of their bodies and minds. Learners are presented with high-quality, video-based training from industry professionals in mindfulness, yoga, physical therapy, and other fields that can be applied immediately, from anywhere. By spending just a few minutes in one of OpenMind's courses, learners walk through simple exercises to help stretch their body and mind and reduce stress while increasing focus and energy. Pineapple Academy FOODSERVICE, CUSTOMER SERVICE, ENVIRONMENTAL At Pineapple Academy, we believe that good food and hospitality are at the core of a memorable guest experience and that effective leadership and training pave the way. Our desire is to be the bridge to a culture of hospitality by creating cost-effective training that is accessible to everyone, from entry-level staff to senior management. We deliver essential information and creative ideas by subject matter experts and industry partners through our online training and operational solutions. 3

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