
Curb the Usage Slump

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462681

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Page 7 of 23

Activating your champions To borrow from an old phrase, it takes a village to implement and maintain a successful training program. Trying to do everything on your own isn't just overwhelming, it's also often unnecessary. Leverage your champions to build a learning committee of top champions from across your organization to boost employee interest and participation in your elearning program. • Need help getting the word out about your program? Ask the members of your learning committee to write or record testimonials you can use in marketing campaigns, or provide demonstrations of your learning management system (LMS) during department meetings. • Have a new course coming out? Give your committee members early access and ask them to provide feedback before rolling the course out to your learners. Not only will a learning committee composed of champions increase your capacity by moving the work beyond the core training team, but it will also empower other departments to share in the ownership of driving learner engagement. Often an employee's first experience with elearning is during the onboarding process. Instead of simply sending your new hires the required courses, have your champions provide a presentation on the company's objectives around training, the benefits to the employee, and how and when these employees can take the courses. Getting this message to employees early on from someone other than their supervisor will firmly establish the value of elearning in the employee's mind from day one. It is very important that company leadership act as champions for your elearning initiative, in addition to these key employees. While employees will look to the champions for social proof around the training program, champions will be looking to leadership for evidence the program is valued. At least one marketing message a month should come from company leadership, such as in a company-wide email or newsletter. Additionally, taking time to meet with the champions will go a long way in securing their support. Tip #2: Building a learning village Curbing the usage slump | 8

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