
Curb the Usage Slump

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Tip #3: Brand your initiative Reflection exercise Before we launch into branding discussion, let's perform a quick mental exercise. Write down the names of a few brands you admire. These can be brands you personally use and love, or simply companies you respect as a professional. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, list three adjectives that come to mind when you think about these brands. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ While respondents to this exercise will list many different brands, they all typically use similar adjectives to describe them, including words like innovative, visionary, customer-focused, and exciting. The fact that so many of us often identify similar traits in the brands we admire isn't an accident. These companies have worked hard to form these identities, carefully crafting their messaging and activities to encourage their brand's association with those particular words. Now, what three adjectives come to mind when you think about your own elearning program? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tip #3: Brand your initiative Curbing the usage slump | 10

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