
Taming the Content Tiger

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462688

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Transforming your business Today's business environment demands that you transform your organization to become more productive, efficient and competitive. To drive this transformation, you need to recruit, retain and manage employees for optimal performance. Using elearning courses, you can tackle challenges in all of these areas and leverage the most efficient way for your workers to gain skills anytime and anywhere. The right content First, you start with finding the courses your company needs but it doesn't end there. How do you make sure it's the RIGHT content? You need to ensure that your learners find it engaging and employee utilization is high. In this eBook, we delve into the expectations of modern learners in your organization today and how you can ensure your training courses meet the following expectations: Is your training ENGAGING? Are the courses RELATABLE? How RELEVANT is the content? How DISCOVERABLE are your training courses? How DELIVERABLE is your training to your learners?

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