

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462746

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Serving 225,000+ learners worldwide, Intellezy believes that elearning should be clear, engaging, and relevant. Their robust library includes 200+ courses, some with Spanish and French closed captions, broken down into 3–5 minute learning nuggets that are easily digestible by your learners. The high production videos capture live instructors and applications in real-time—resembling a private lesson and keeping the learner's attention longer—while extensive downloadable course materials provide exercises and job aids to further reinforce new skills. www.opensesame.com/s/intellezy CONTENT COVERAGE AREAS PUBLISHER TOP COURSES } } Microsoft Excel 2019 } } Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 } } Microsoft Outlook 2019 } } Microsoft Office 365 Teams } } Cyber Security for the End User } } Adobe Acrobat DC Pro www.opensesame.com • (503) 808-1268 Adobe Microsoft Office/ Office 365 Microsoft Azure Microsoft Sharepoint Business Skills

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