

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462761

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TOP COURSES CONTENT COVERAGE AREAS } Diversity 101 ™ Leveraging the Power of Inclusion, Equity & Respect } Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful and Harassment-Free Workplace ™ } ATTITUDE! ™ Resolving Difficult Situations in the Workplace } It's Still Not Just About Sex Anymore ™ : Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace } A.C.T. with Integrity ™ : Real Situations for Discussions } More Than a Gut Feeling ™ : Leveraging the Power of Behavior-Based Interviewing PUBLISHER Sollah Interactive creates powerful and dramatic training content that empowers employee change. With a passion for changing workplace behaviors, Sollah Interactive delivers high quality, interactive and engaging elearning courses across top learning topics. Content is developed using knowledge and insights from industry experts in workplace law, human resources and compliance. Sollah Interactive's robust learning topics include real-life, applicable solutions to today's workplace issues. www.opensesame.com/s/sollah DE&I www.opensesame.com • (503) 808-1268 Ethics and Compliance Leadership Workplace Safety Personal Performance

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