
OpenSesame Plus Publisher: Traliant

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462766

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TOP COURSES CONTENT COVERAGE AREAS PUBLISHER www.opensesame.com (503) 808-1268 From sexual harassment prevention to code of conduct, Traliant's variety of interactive elearning courses teach employees and managers how to handle difficult, real-world situations in the workplace. Designed to educate and motivate by influencing behaviors and promoting a positive, respectful workplace, Traliant's news show-style courses are segmented into bite-sized episodes that include engagement points with alternate endings to boost interaction and retention. The courses are available in multiple languages with US state-specific and industry-specific versions to satisfy your organization's complex compliance requirements. www.opensesame.com/s/traliant ● Preventing Discrimination and Harassment in New York (Employee and Manager Versions) ● Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Industrial (Employee and Manager Versions) ● Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (FCPA) ● Data Privacy, GDPR & Information Security ● Workplace Harassment ● Sexual Harassment (including US state specific) ● Ethics ● Interviewing

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