
OpenSesame Overview

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1477918

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The most comprehensive catalog from global publishers Access a broad range of courses from the world's top publishers. Choose content from a variety of formats that fits how your workforce prefers to learn and is relevant for a diverse audience at all levels. ● Easy to implement ● Highly rated by millions ● Mobile ready ● Readily accessible from your LMS Efficient online training for a more knowledgeable workforce Business skills Leadership / Management Accounting Telephone Skills Time Management Remote Work Skills Communication Compliance Cybersecurity Ethics CCPA Diversity Code of Conduct Bribery & Corruption Harassment Prevention Diversity & Inclusion Unconscious Bias Inclusive Leadership Mental Health Awareness Building Diverse Teams Generational Diversity Intercultural Competence Certifications Microsoft Certification Project Management (PMI / PMBOK) Human Resources CompTIA Technology Microsoft Office Desktop Social Media IT Cisco Web Development Industry Specific Finance Healthcare Hospitality Banking Manufacturing Oil & Gas Wellness Resilience Stress Management Mindfulness Meditation Exercise and Fitness (9,000+ courses) (900+ courses) (1,900+ courses) (150+ courses) (2,000+ courses) (1,500+ courses) (1,400+ courses) Safety Workplace Safety Active Shooter OSHA Fire Safety Forklift Safety Defensive Driving (2,800+ courses) Leadership and Management Coaching Inspirational Leadership Mission, Vision, and Value Setting Performance Management Executive Presence Delegation Team Development Change Management (4200+ courses) www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com

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