
2023 Monthly Course Calendar

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1487830

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Check out our Learning & Development Promotion Resources Hub for more course promotion tools. www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com Course of the Month Calendar January MONTH THEME COURSE February March April June July August May National Mentoring Month Black History Month Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Appreciation Month Clear the Clutter LGBTQIA Pride Month National Suicide Prevention Week (Sep 10-16) Celebrate Diversity Month National Wellness Month Mental Wellness Month Time Management Month Mental Health Month Collaboration & Teamwork International Women's Day (March 8) Social Wellness Month National Hispanic Heritage Month Earth Day (April 22) National Safety Month Mentoring Others Having Self-Compassion Organization Skills Environmental Responsibility LGBTQ+ Pride Month (U.S.) Tapping Into Compassion and Appreciation Dealing with Suicidal Feelings (Global) Black History Month (U.S.) Dangerous Times Call for Dangerous Women National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (U.S.) Back Safety: Posture and Health The Eight Dimensions of Wellness Hispanic Heritage Month (U.S.) Do Less, Accomplish More Develop Your Inclusion IQ Mental Health Month (U.S.) Creating Connections and Influencing Others Establishing Trust in Collaborative Work September October November Bullying Prevention Month National Computer Security Day (November 30th) International Day of Person's With Disability Emotional Wellness Month Gratitude Month Holidays & Celebration 4 Perspectives on Bullying and Harassment Checking in with Yourself International Day of People With Disabilities Understanding Cyber Security (Global) Happy Holidays Practicing Gratitude December

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