
OpenSesame Exclusive Publisher: Lumofy

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1499360

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TOP COURSES CONTENT COVERAGE AREAS PUBLISHER www.opensesame.com (503) 808-1268 Lumofy is an emerging leader in accelerating capability building initiatives in organizations. With +1700 bilingual (Arabic\English) learning items on core, cross-functional, and functional competencies aimed to implement the right interventions and build needed skills in learners. All Learning items have engaging features, including interactive elements that capture learners' attention, ensure skill development, and enable behavior change. All learning items are built tablet-friendly to be suitable for use on various smart devices. Lumofy's unique competency-based learning offers organizations relevant, gamified and bite-sized learning items to develop and assess employees' capabilities and minimize skills gap in organizations to grow together. www.opensesame.com/s/lumofy ● Analyzing Financial Statements ● Understanding Proposals ● Customer Service ● Business Skills ● Compliance ● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ● Technology ● Safety

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