Case Studies

Customer Story_2023_New Seasons Market

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A Fresh Approach to Traditional Training New Seasons found their employees enthusiastically engaging with OpenSesame's content, even during compliance training. The platform's diverse course offerings, catering to different skill levels and learning styles, received positive feedback, transforming compliance training into engaging learning experiences. New Seasons Market, a boutique grocery chain with 27 locations across three states, faced a unique challenge in delivering training to its diverse workforce. With almost 4,000 employees, their in- person training sessions were limited to managers and above at their Portland, OR headquarters, leaving a significant portion of their workforce without access to essential training. Their Learning and Development function lacked the capacity to create extensive new content, necessitating the need for a comprehensive solution to meet the diverse learning needs of their employees. Seeking a transformative solution, they partnered with OpenSesame, embarking on a journey to revolutionize their learning and development initiatives. Recognizing the limitations of their team to create new content, New Seasons leveraged OpenSesame's vast catalog of courses and seamless integration with their Learning Management System (LMS) to open new avenues of essential training and career development paths for all employees, regardless of their position or location. With OpenSesame curators, they were able to select a well-balanced selection of courses to align with their organizational culture and goals and smoothly deploy–ensuring a successful launch and engagement from learners. New Seasons found their workforce engaging enthusiastically with both professional development and compliance content. OpenSesame's diverse course offerings, tailored to different skill levels and styles, received positive feedback from employees. Comprehensive language options also allowed them to support a multilingual workforce, providing much needed accessibility for all their workers, while still being a cost-effective solution. Nurturing Growth Beyond Traditional Training Empowering Growth and Professional Development A World of Potential, Unlocked Elevating the Learner Experience Challenge Industry Segment Solution Results Limited In-Person Training and Diverse Learning Needs Retail / Grocery Mid-Market A Versatile and Comprehensive Learning Ecosystem of courses tailored to their organizational culture and objectives. • Seamless integration with their Learning Management System (LMS), • Smooth implementation process • Increased employee engagement and satisfaction with their training programs. To learn more, visit us at or contact us at (503) 808-1268

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