
Leadership Development Program: Executive-Led Sessions Template

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1513517

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SESSION 1: Connecting As an executive leader you know the power of human connection. In this session you will have a guided discussion on the topic of connecting and how as leaders it is imperative to make space in your agenda to connect with those around you to build relationships. Begin by connecting with one another Be vulnerable Connect with others Use this space to take notes Use tools like a Wheel of Life diagram to gain a greater understanding of how your mentee perceives their life and determine areas for improvement and action items. Consider using this space to jot down how you did on the wheel of life. You may also consider using this section to write down any stories or examples that will help create a psychologically safe space for you to share about how the power of connection has influenced your leadership. Use this space to consider how we can connect with others outside of this space. It likely will not be practical to have this guided activity with others but how can we create safe space to make meaningful connections? No matter how big or small create actionable items about how your mentee can create connection with those the lead or those around them. www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1268 2

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