
Leadership Training Calendar 2024

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1513519

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Contact your OpenSesame Customer Success Manager about course marketing tools www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com 2024 Monthly Leadership Calendar January MONTH THEME OPENSESAME COURSE NAME February March April May June 1 Purpose Passion Mindset Innovation Employee Development Collaboration Networking Organize Conflict Purpose Creativity Career Planning Time Management Leadership Productivity Engagement Teamwork PUBLISHER Pillars of Leadership: Purpose Grit: The power of passion and perseverance Helping Your Employees Find Purpose Why Innovate? When the Rules Change, Creativity is King Identifying your Leadership Style Interpersonal Effectiveness: Networking and Building Relationships Career Resilience Organization Skills Ambitious Mindset Commit to Innovation Embracing Accountability in Leadership Courageous Leadership An Effective Leader's Guide to Time Management Increase Your Personal Development The Role of Silence in Conflict Resolution Understanding Collaboration Routines that Support Efficiency and Productivity Delegate Save Time and Develop Your Employees Acting Effectively on A Team Mindscaling TED Assemble You FutureThink Trupp American Management Association The Jeff Havens Company TalentQuest 7 Dimensions Management Pocketbooks Enspark Dr. Roger Firestien SAP Litmos Amplify Voices On This Topic Mind Channel Vado Vubiz HSI -ej4

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