
Leadership Training Calendar 2024

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1513519

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Contact your OpenSesame Customer Success Manager about course marketing tools www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com October Course of the Week: Reflect Activate Share it is a great honor to have the opportunity to coach someone; they deserve someone who is passionate about their development and willing to go the extra mile to help them reach their goals. Meaningful conversation is just the beginning in the many facets of coaching. Use this section to jot notes, ideas or takeaways that you might have while watching this course. It's time to take action! What can you do this week to implement these new skills? Who can help hold you accountable? As we constantly evolve in our leadership abilities, it is important to add value to others as well. Who can you share this information with? Who can you teach? Can you think of anyone that would benefit from any of these ideas? Use this space to write down who you will share this with, how you will share it, and when. Effective Coaching Conversations Page Example WEEK 3 - COACHING Reflecting on effective coaching conversations is an ongoing process that enables coaches to refine their skills, enhance relationships, and create a positive impact on the growth and development of individuals. Regular self-assessment and a commitment to continuous improvement are key components of successful coaching. The coach and coachee both share responsibility for holding each other accountable for achieving the established objectives. The coach can guide the conversation to stay focused on the agreed- upon goals, while the coachee is responsible for actively participating and taking steps toward those objectives. Regular check-ins and reflections on progress will reinforce this mutual accountability. Sharing and teaching effective coaching conversations involves tailoring the content to the audience, choosing appropriate timing, and utilizing various teaching modalities. By targeting leaders, HR professionals, educators, and incorporating coaching principles into different training programs, organizations can create a culture of continuous learning and development that positively impacts individual and collective success.

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