
2024 Monthly Compliance Calendar

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1514007

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Contact your OpenSesame Customer Success Manager about course marketing tools www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com a Monthly Compliance Training Calendar January MONTH THEME COURSE February March April June July August September October November December May National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month Safer Internet Day U.S. | Feb 6 Zero Discrimination Day | Mar 1 World Day for Safety and Health at Work | Apr 28 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development | May 21 National Bullying Prevention Month Pride Month World Conservation Day | Jul 28 International Day Commemorating the Victims Acts of Violence Based on Religious Belief | Aug 22 Global Talent Acquisition Day | Sept 7 World Kindness Day | Nov 13 International Anti Corruption Day | Dec 9 Human Trafficking: The Supply Chain (Global - Focus) Cybersecurity Essentials Work Health and Safety: Fundamentals LGBTQ+ Pride Month (U.S.) Religion, Spirituality, and Beliefs (Employee) 4 Perspectives on Bullying and Harassment Supervising to Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business | Erin Meyer The Sustainability Circles Legal Briefsā„¢: Recruiting and Hiring - A Manager's Guide to Staying Out of Court Respect in the Workplace Fraud, Bribery, and Corruption Awareness

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