
State-Specific Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462793

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California ● Training: Mandatory Harassment Training ● Company size: More than 5 employees ● Roles with required training: All employees and supervisors ● Time requirements ○ 2 hours for supervisors ○ 1 hour for nonsupervisory employees ● Initial training requirements: Train within six months after they assume a position ● Retraining requirements: Every 2 years ● CA Civil Rights Department ● Government Code 12950.1 ● S.B. 396 ● AB 1825 ● AB 2053 ● California's Civil Rights Department Colorado Recommended, not required. ● 3 CCR 708-1 - Code of Colorado Regulations - "Covered entities are encouraged to take all steps necessary to prevent discrimination, including harassment, from occurring, such as: affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, promulgating and distributing an anti-discrimination policy, training, developing appropriate sanctions, informing affected individuals of their right to raise and how to raise the issue of discrimination, and developing methods to sensitize all concerned." The expansion of The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) (adopted June 2023) in SB 23-172 -Protecting Opportunities and Workers' Rights Act (POWR Act) expanded protections for CO workers against discriminatory practices including ● Restricts use of nondisclosure agreements related to disclosure of alleged discriminatory or unfair employment practices ● Rejects the "severe or pervasive" standard of proof of workplace harassment in favor of a standard that prohibits unwelcome harassment ● Requires employers to preserve any personnel or employment records for at least 5 years ● Colorado Civil Rights Division ● 3 CCR 708-1 - Code of Colorado Regulations ● SB 23-172 - Protecting Opportunities and Workers' Rights (POWR) Act Connecticut ● Training: Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training ● Company size: All sizes ● Roles with required training: All employees ● Time requirements ○ 2 hours for both supervisors and employees ● Initial training requirements: Within 6 months of start date ● Retraining requirements: Every 10 years ● Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunity Act - Sec. 46a-54(15)(B) ● Time's Up Act: ○ Public Act 19-16 ○ Public Act 19-93 Delaware ● Training: Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training ● Company size: Companies with over 50 employees ● Roles with required training: All employees ● Delaware Office of Human Relations ● House Bill 360

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