
State-Specific Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462793

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Utah Public sector: ● Training: Workplace Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention ● Roles with required training: All employees of the State of Utah ● Time requirements: None ● Initial training requirements: At time of hire ● Retraining requirements: Every 2 years. ● State of Utah Labor Commission ● Utah Department of Government Operations ● Utah Admin Code R477-10-4 Vermont Recommended, not required. ● Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 21, § 495h(f). - "Employers and labor organizations are encouraged to conduct an education and training program for all new employees and members that includes at a minimum all the information outlined in this section within one year after commencement of employment." ● Vermont Human Rights Commission ● Vermont Fair Employment Practices Act Virginia Recommended, not required. Virginia Human Rights Council Washington Industry-specific: ● Training: Mandatory Harassment Training for employees likely to work alone in a hotel, motel, security or janitorial setting ● Company size: All sizes ● Roles with required training: All employees and supervisors working in a hotel, motel, security or janitorial setting ● Retraining requirements: None ● Time requirements: None Public sector: ● Training: Sexual harassment prevention ● Roles with required training: All employees ● Initial training requirements: Within six months of appointment ● Retraining requirements: Every five years ● Time requirements: None ● Washington State Human Rights Commission ● RCW 49.60.515 ● Washington State Department of Enterprise Services West Virginia Recommended, not required. West Virginia Human Rights Commission Wisconsin Recommended, not required. ● "How can management respond to harassment concerns?: "Provide training to educate employees on the issue of harassment and periodically remind them of your strong desire to maintain a harassment free workplace." ● Wisconsin's Equal Rights Division ● Wisconsin Harassment in the Workplace FAQ

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