
State-Specific Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1462793

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● Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries site Pennsylvania Public sector: ● Training: harassment prevention ● Roles with required training: All employees of a state agency ● Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission ● 4 Pa. Code Sec. 7.595. Rhode Island Recommended, not required. ● R.I. Gen. Laws ch. 118,§§ 28-51-2(c), 28-51-3. - "Employers are encouraged to conduct an education and training program for new employees and members, within one year of commencement of employment or membership, which includes at a minimum the information set forth in this section. Employers are encouraged to conduct additional training for new supervisory and managerial employees within one year of commencement of employment which shall include at a minimum the information set forth in subsection (b) of this section, the specific responsibilities of supervisory and managerial employees and the methods that these employees should take to ensure immediate and appropriate corrective action in addressing sexual harassment complaints. Employers and appropriate state agencies are encouraged to cooperate in making this training available." ● Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights ● R.I. Gen. Laws ch. 118,§§ 28-51-2(c), 28-51-3. (Rhode Island Sexual Harassment, Education, and Training Law) South Carolina Recommended, not required. South Carolina Human Affairs Commission South Dakota Recommended, not required. South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation Tennessee Public sector: ● Training: Sexual harassment prevention in the workplace ● Roles with required training: All public employees ● Tennessee Human Rights Commission ● Tenn. Code § 4-3-1703. Texas Public sector: ● Training: Employment discrimination training, which includes sexual harassment issues ● Roles with required training: All state employees ● Time requirements: None ● Initial training requirements: within 30 days of the start of employment ● Retraining requirements: Every 2 years ● Right-to-Work Laws in Texas ● Tex. Lab. Code. § 21.010.

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