
How to Implement the Best DEI Plan for Hospitality

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | 10 Once a DEI program is initiated it is critical to nurture and evolve the new knowledge, growing awareness, and changing attitudes by developing and offering continuing learning experiences. Leaders can support this by sponsoring open lines of communication, conferences and small group discussions where employees can share perceptions and describe their experiences. Quarterly webcasts and learning opportunities reinforce new knowledge and habits built into workflows. Continuous learning is critical to reinforcing an organization's values regarding DEI, connecting with individuals, and giving them opportunities to grow in their awareness — and their careers. Meeting Hospitality's Unique Learning Challenges Almost every hospitality business has been strained by the challenges of COVID-19. Restrictions, safety training and a host of logistical issues have taken the main stage as businesses strive to survive. This is in addition to existing challenges to implementing training to a workforce that is often seasonal and not necessarily in one place with universal access or familiarity with learning platforms. But there are several learning offerings and formats available to ensure everyone can be on the same page. This includes self-learning on mobile devices for those without access to company technology and working schedules that make one-time trainings not feasible. Micro-learning courses can also help employees by providing content in the shortest amount of time. STRATEGY 4 Develop and Maintain Continuous Learning 1 "Hotel managers' perceptions of the value of diversity training: An empirical investigation." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 26(3). April 2014. Inclusive teaching methods Individual / group online courses Instructor-led courses Micro-learning Hybrid courses Mobile device In a paper from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, surveyed managers of nearly 100 hotels responded that diversity training added significantly to the value of the organization. The study also suggests the need for businesses to understand how best to focus on providing training for different organizational segments. 1

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