
OpenSesame Overview

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1477918

Contents of this Issue


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Online courses that empower your employees with in-demand knowledge Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion POPULAR TOPICS ● Understanding and Overcoming Bias ● The Power of Diversity ● Cultural Awareness ● Communicating with Empathy ● Promoting Inclusivity Coaching and Mentorship POPULAR TOPICS ● Coaching Essentials ● Coaching for Performance ● Remote Coaching ● Mentor Essentials ● Building a Mentorship Program ● Reverse Mentorship POPULAR COURSES ● "Coaching for Non-Coaches: The Importance of Goal Setting" | Coaching Culture ● "How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work" | TED Talk ● "How to Create a Mentoring Program" | HSI - ej4 ● "Mentoring: Finding a Mentor (Global)" | SAP Litmos Safety POPULAR TOPICS ● Emergency Safety ● Environmental Safety ● Personal Protective Equipment ● Violence Prevention POPULAR COURSES ● "Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Planning: Making an Emergency Plan" | From Axonify ● "Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)" | The Jeff Havens Company ● "Building a Safety Culture Through Leadership" | Channel 1 Creative Media ● "Active Shooter: Prevention and Preparation (Global)" | From UL EHS Sustainability POPULAR COURSEs ● "Diversity and Inclusion: Build the Foundation - Reduce Implicit Bias / Unconscious Bias" | Eleventure by TorranceLearning ● "How Diversity Makes Teams More Innovative" | TEDTalk ● "Diversity 101™ Leveraging the Power of Inclusion, Equity, and Respect" |Sollah Interactive ● "Why Culture Counts" | Management Pocketbooks www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com

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