
OpenSesame Overview

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1477918

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With OpenSesame, we are able to focus our investment and our time on helping our employees and the organization reach our strategic goals." – Learning and Organization Development Manager, City of Corpus Christi Helping develop the world's most productive and admired workforces. With the most comprehensive catalog of online courses from the world's top publishers, we are here to help you every step of the way—from finding courses, mapping them to your core competencies, syncing them with your LMS to increasing utilization and improving your L&D programs. Not only will you have the flexibility of multiple purchasing options from OpenSesame, you'll find it simple to use and administer your elearning courses. ROI of OpenSesame A majority of customers (92%) realized a return on their investment in OpenSesame in less than one year. 92% " Bespoke course curation Course variety and quality 24/7 Support Our experts customize the right blend of courses based on insights from hundreds of organizations we work with. We offer the world's most complete catalog of training content — with courses in 70+ languages, multiple learning formats, and delivery methods. Our experts are available 24 hours a day to address any issues or facilitate your organization's eLearning process. www.opensesame.com | (503) 808-1286 | info@opensesame.com

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