
Learning Newsletter Template

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Publisher Spotlight Book Recommendation Jane Ellison Completed 16 courses last month! Learning Insights The latest in learning at Your Company jULY 2024 Investing in the Future Top Learners of the Month 1. Maria Rodriguez 2. Jeanne Grey 3. Jonathan Jones 4. William Jones 5. Elizabeth Anderson 6. Chris Garcia 7. Anthony Davis 8. Jennifer Taylor 9. Mark Thomas 10. Linda Brown Course Spotlight DATE Investing in leadership development not only enhances your personal effectiveness but also contributes to our collective success. Measure your growth with KPIs such as improved team performance, increased employee engagement, and higher customer satisfaction. John Smith, CEO x Average minutes spent learning x Total voluntary course enrollments x Total hours of learning 102 Average minutes spent learning 16 Total voluntary course enrollments 320 Total hours of learning Blindspot explores hidden biases that we all carry from a lifetime of experiences with social groups. DOWNLOAD NOW Big Think makes its audience 'smarter faster' through short, actionable video lessons taught by some of the world's greatest thinkers and doers.. Seat time: 4 minutes Publisher: EJ4 DOWNLOAD NOW DOWNLOAD NOW | (503) 808-1286 | Check out our Learning & Development Promotion Resources Hub for more course promotion tools Be consistent Whatever frequency you choose -weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. - keeping to that cadence creates trust with your learners. Include links Drive your learners to action by linking directly to your LMS or wherever they can access the content. Don't forget about branding! Your marketing team can help you create an eye- catching design that fits your brand guidelines. Make it your own The content and style of your newsletter should be authentic to your learning culture. If your learners prefer shorter content, for example, swap out the book recommendation for a link to a relevant article. This document contains this example as well as a blank template to get started. As always, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more! Keep learners engaged and informed. Keeping your team informed about all the training and development opportunities available at your company without causing communication overload is a tough balance to strike. Adopting a newsletter format (like the example below) will allow you to quickly and clearly communicate a lot of information all in one place. Launch & Learn

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