
Toolkit for building an L&D rightskilling strategy

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1522418

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Rightskilling is a targeted approach for empowering employees with the specific skills they need to add more business value in their current roles. It involves identifying skills gaps from a strategic business perspective, focusing on areas like risk, safety, compliance, and revenue. Next, learning experiences are tailored to individuals who can apply these new skills immediately. By investing in rightskilling, you can increase your workforce's effectiveness and boost business value. How will you know it's working? By measuring KPIs like increased sales, decreased employee turnover, and better customer retention. This toolkit will help you get started on your rightskilling strategy. Choose your starting point An effective strategy starts with knowing your current situation. Is your organisation transitioning to a skills-based training model? • If yes, jump to the Skills data section • If no, but you still want to be prepared for skills transformation, head to the Skills data section • If you're not sure, start with Searching for skills-based clues Searching for skills-based clues Not all organisations are shifting their focus from competencies to skills. Or that transition might be in progress but hasn't involved the Learning & Development (L&D) team yet. If you're not sure where your organisation is in the process, here are some places to start: • Speak with HR, Talent Acquisition, or Strategic Workforce Planning Name: Business area: Result: • Review job postings or descriptions at your company to determine if they are using skills-based hiring practices Job posting: Samples of skills-based language: Note: this might not be definitive evidence that your company is transitioning to a skills-focused strategy, but it can be a clue. Toolkit for building an L&D rightskilling strategy 1 2 1

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