
Toolkit for building an L&D rightskilling strategy

Issue link: https://resource.opensesame.com/i/1522418

Contents of this Issue


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Find a business priority Now that you know a) where skills data is at your organisation, b) the KPIs for your company, and c) who is in your network as part of the skills-based transformation, the next step is to identify a business priority that will require new skills. It could be something like a new product roll-out or the adoption of AI technology. This will be fertile ground for you to test a rightskilling initiative hypothesis and gain champions from the business. Business priority to target: Skill gaps: Use the following equation to determine if it is more cost-effective to hire or develop skills identified as gaps: Precision Rightskilling is about being precise. Once you know which skill you intend to target, work with your allies to identify how many individuals need that skill and which employee segment will likely have the adjacent skills. This will become your target audience. Remember, this is done together and not just within L&D. Outlining the following can help: • How many people require the skill • List of adjacent skills • If skills are not tracked, what roles might already have these adjacent skills? If skills are already tracked, who has the adjacent skills? • What is the target skill level and how will you track it? Seed-to-fruit learning experience Now that you know your target skill and audience, your team can do the work they are best at — learning experience design. That said, be sure to apply a "seed-to-fruit" approach to skills development. This means thinking beyond content and codifying every interaction and exercise required to develop proficiency. For example: • Coaching • Simulations • Job shadowing • Facilitation • Feedback 7 8 9 (Time + Cost Invested) - Anticipated ROI = True L&D Cost VS. Cost of doing nothing VS. Cost of hiring 4

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