OpenSesame & 360Learning - What You Missed at ATD
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Right now, L&D leaders everywhere are making tough decisions on what to cut, and what to keep. When budgets are tight, we all need to find new ways to curate learning experiences that are impactful and match learner needs–without breaking the bank.
But where should we begin? How can we keep delivering the same engaging learning experiences our teams love when our resources are shrinking? And how can we get out of the ‘do more with less’ loop and actually get value out of every L&D dollar?
If you missed the presentations from 360Learning and OpenSesame at ATD 2023, don’t worry–we’re here to share all the tips and insights you need to curate cost-effective impactful learning experiences.
Join Leslie Kelley, Chief Revenue Officer at 360Learning, and Paige Kracke, Senior Manager of Curation at OpenSesame, as they explore:
Why curating great learning experiences makes such a big impact for your teams
How AI tools can help your L&D budget go further
Why data and evidence is crucial to proving your value and boosting learning performance
How to leverage shared knowledge and subject-matter expertise to help everyone upskill from within
What the future of budget-conscious L&D looks like